Roughly a year ago, the UK government opens CloudStore procurement system: a marketplace designed to make the process of selecting Cloud services easier, simpler and quite cheaper for public sector procurement officers. The market place is known both as “UK Cloud Store” and as “G-Cloud Services”, and now the third RFP (Request For Proposals) to become a G-Cloud provider is just finished.
Unfortunately this governmental policy is the only one in Europe, in fact with that step the UK Government seems to me (let me say that I’m Spanish and I’m proud of it, so I’m not biased) to be the only European one that, even earlier to be published, is practicing European Cloud Computing Strategy announced by Ms. Neelie Kroes (the EU Commissioner for Digital Agenda) on September, the 25th: removing regulatory barriers, building trust in the market, building the business case for cloud adoption, protect consumers’ rights to control their data, promoting standardisation and interoperability, and so on. So, by the way, I cannot understand how UK is place in the 7th place in Business Software Alliance (BSA) report about “the best 24 countries prepared for the Cloud”; just after other European countries as Germany, France, Italy, and very closely followed by Spain in the 9th position.
About that kind of governmental policies, let me repeat my very particular opinion: disregarding what other important laws (as the ones stated in the BSA report or in the European Digital Agenda recommendations) and governmental policies (also analyzed by the great Consulting companies), the US Government with its “First Cloud” policy and the UK Convergent with its “UK Cloud Store” that pursue to foster the Cloud market in the US or UK Administration organisms are quite incentive and will help to foster the private Cloud market too. Of course the private initiative is important, but some kind of public incentive will accelerate it specially in Europe (where public sector influence in IT business is more important than in USA.); indeed, the US government is practising that policy, may be for different reasons, or for that ones and others.
G-Cloud sales data is now made publicly available by the Cabinet Office as a spreadsheet, a great example of the transparency agenda within government. The current data covers all G-Cloud sales over the last 13 months. And that data are a probe of my opinion, (please let me mention that I’ve copied some pictures from Andy Powell’s post ):
Total spend by month:
If we drawn this data, the picture shows a exponential growth curve with a sharp rise in sales during March this year, something that has been blogged about by various people:
Besides the spent by lot has been the following:
That clearly shows a bigger interest in Consulting Services.
Moreover, relating to the most active agents, in one hand, the 10 top buyers (by spend) have been the next organisms:
And, in the other hand, the 10 top providers (by sales) have been the next companies:
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