miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

The New ECHO platform of Tissat for emergency and citizen security

The platform is mainly intended for providing an advanced infrastructure for Public Emergency Systems (as the European 112 phone number or the USD 911 and so on) but also appropriate for other kind of emergency or security services (as fire brigades, policy, health emergency,  and so forth). The new system incorporates from traditional tools, as identification of the exact place of the incident, as modern ones, as video transmission from the operating brigades or vehicles displaced to the incident place, and favours information exchange between the emergency and security services.
The new technological ECHO platform offers the most efficient management and coordination of all the services intervening in an emergency. The incorporates a georeferencing tool which allows operators to identify the exact location of the incident, wherever the person requesting an intervention may be located, and it speeds up the information interchange between emergency and security services. Moreover, the coordination between the organizations and agencies attending incidents is another of the main aspects which improves the platform; transferring real-time information automatically to the emergency and security services of the various Public Administrations in order to set up a suitable contingent to face the event.
In this way, the participation and coordination between the various organizations involved are reinforced, such as the Local Police, National Police, Civil Guard, Fire Brigades, Heath Emergency, and the Military Emergencies Units, in order to improve operations as much as possible.
In words of Carmen García, the Commercial Director of Tissat, “this platform offers a more agile, flexible tool to manage and follow-up tool the emergency, so the response time is shorter because data transfers become more agile from the time the call is made to when action commences”.
Tissat has translated its more than 15 year experience in maintaining and developing emergency solutions to the development of his system with the idea of “responding to new citizen requirements in this way by modernising and updating emergences management comprehensively in order to achieve better efficiency in rendering this public service”.
This system is also a partial result of the R&D “CERI” project developed by Tissat with the partial funding help of “AVANZA2” programme of the Spanish Government (via the “Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo”) with the collaboration of European Union (FEDER).
This project is still under development, and new results are expected that will let TISSAT to add new features to the system in short , after the appropriate work of debugging, stabilizing, and “productizing” as well as other related tasks, that let us to convert the R&D results in a product/service.

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